Sunday, December 28, 2014

Moved in!!

We are officially all moved in. It's been a crazy move. As much as we planned the moving part of this whole experience, it just didn't go the way we planned. But somehow we got all of our stuff in the house. I just don't know what to do with all this space! 

During the whole building process we kept asking ourselves if the Milan floor plan was the right choice spacewise. Not that we have a lot of stuff, but was it going to get cramped as the boys get older. Ryan Homes had other floor plans which offered more space. But after bringing our things in, it seems like it's a perfect size.  The bedrooms are huge. Here are pictures of the boys' rooms: 

The hallway: 

Main level: 

Dining room: 

Living room: 
Morning room: 

Kitchen (excuse the mess): 




I need to buy more furniture to fill up the rooms 😊..the boys shared a room in the apartment so we didn't have much more furniture than the beds and toys. 

Bye for now! I am so tired. 

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